

ORFEUS (Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seismology) is a collaborative non-profit foundation that promotes seismology in the Euro-Mediterranean area through the collection, archival and distribution of digital seismic waveform data, metadata and derived products.

Our website is: http://www.orfeus-eu.org.

Among the goals of ORFEUS are:

  • the development and coordination of waveform data products;
  • the coordination of a European data distribution system, and the support for seismic networks in archiving and exchanging digital seismic waveform data;
  • the encouragement of the adoption of best practices for seismic network operation, data quality control and data management;
  • the promotion of open access to seismic waveform data, products and services for the broader Earth science community.

These goals are achieved through the development and maintenance of services targeted to a broad community of seismological data users. Two Service Management Committees (SMCs) are established within ORFEUS to manage, operate and develop:

Access to ORFEUS EIDA and SM products is ensured through standardized web services and web interfaces to provide seamless user access to waveform data and products. ORFEUS supports the use of clear data policies, licences and proper acknowledging of data providers / owners, who are part of the ORFEUS community.

The products and services provided by ORFEUS are assessed and improved though the technical and scientific feedback of a User Advisory Group, comprised of European Earth scientists with expertise encompassing a broad range of disciplines.

ORFEUS is one of the most advanced infrastructures for seismology in Europe. It is the infrastructure for seismological waveform data in EPOS (European Plate Observing System) to establish sustainable and harmonized services for seismological data to the solid Earth research communities.

On an international level ORFEUS participates in the International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN). ORFEUS operates under the auspices of the European Seismological Commission and cooperates closely with its sister organization in Europe, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC).

The ORFEUS website contains general information on the ORFEUS organization and its initiatives (e.g. EIDA). A subsection of the webpage is dedicated to the ORFEUS Data Center and its specific services.